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W-BACnet replaces cabling with a reliable wireless mesh network, eliminating time-consuming installation planning, cabling and troubleshooting. With the help of W-BACnet, they can be easily connected to already installed devices, and individually installed devices can be immediately converted into a wireless network.


The product provides a high degree of flexibility, saves time and costs, including during installation and continuous operation.

W-BACnet acts as a replacement for a connected BACnet MSTP device, effectively extending the bus and enabling legacy products to go wireless.


A W-BACnet network consists of a single W-BACnet gateway and up to 100 W-BACnet nodes. Connect the BACnet MS/TP controller using RS485 to the W-BACnet gateway and then each BACnet MS/TP device using RS485 to the W-BACnet nodes.

The W-BACnet product is based on LumenRadio's patented MiraMesh meshing technology - which provides highly reliable device-to-device connectivity, easy installation, simultaneous Bluetooth and extended indoor range. MiraMesh is used worldwide in many different applications in building automation, HVAC control, lighting control and industrial sensor networks.

Main features

  • Immediate commissioning - the W-BACnet network can be commissioned in minutes in 3 simple steps.

  • Range - 500 meters (outdoors) per hop in the mesh network.

  • Cognitive Coexistence - LumenRadio's proprietary technology ensures industry-level reliability and interference-free.

  • Self-Optimizing Network - the mesh network always finds the best way to forward messages across the network between devices.

  • Modular configuration - it is not necessary to have the same baud-rate on all devices, W-BACnet supports individual settings.

  • Power supply: 24 VAC ±15% 50-60 Hz, 24 VDC ±15%

  • Maximum power consumption: 2.5 W

  • Frequency band: 2.45 GHz, ISM band (2400-2483 MHz)

  • Baud rate: bps: 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800 bps

Data sheets, descriptions
System-overview w-bacnet.png

Company details

SmartNode Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

Head office: 4030 Debrecen Lándzsa u. 21

Showroom and office: 4026 Debrecen, Garai u. 7

Phone number: +36 52 226 922, +36 30 160 8900

Opening hours: On weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm


Tax number: 25140354-2-09

Company registration number: 09-09-026732

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